Planning a party shouldn't have destructive consequences for the Earth. When you shop at Green Planet Parties, we've already asked the tough questions "where is this product made?" "what is it made from?" and "how do I dispose of it?" Our goals to limit packaging, encourage local artists, provide reusable & compostable options, and bring heirloom quality back to gift giving will continue to be the focus. Thank you for visiting our site - join our fan page discussions here!
Add an instant splash of handcrafted Christmas decor to your home, classroom, office, or Christmas gathering with our handmade advent calendar. This new (!!) and more simplified version of an advent calendar is locally made and amazing quality. The pockets are 2x3" and are perfect for a little treat, note, or gift to open daily while children count down the days until Christmas arrives. These banners are made with whimsical alternating fabrics and have 25 pockets of reusable fun. Start a new tradition by hanging this banner December 1st and enjoy the magic with your family.
This advent calendar comes in one piece and is 100 inches in length. Available in Traditional Holiday or Owl themes.